Monday, August 27, 2012

Guard in Grey Coat

Last year we went to England for spring break, that was Alice's first trip there. We all love England for lots of reasons (I like old buildings, museums and ceremonial stuff that tourists love to watch. We don't have guards wearing red capes, shiny black boots with spiky helmets riding beautiful horses parading in front of the White House. Alice likes Madame Tussaud's because Justin Bieber wax was there, alas, after this trip she no longer liked him). I took lots of pictures and some of them are really fun as inspiration for my painting. 
Here's one of them:
"Guard in Grey Coat", oil on panel, 12x16

Alice & the guard in Windsor Castle
Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great one!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


This is a portrait study that I did a while ago. The model, Garrett, is a very smart & photogenic little boy and I really liked taking his pictures because he posed & followed direction very nicely, he also seemed to be so happy being photographed. A perfect model!
I did the study in burnt & raw umber (Rembrandt oil).
"Garrett", oil on canvas, 12x16

The original photo
Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great weekend!